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Impact of iOS 14 on Facebook Advertising for business

Apple has announced that it will change the way the events are tracked for the iOS users with the iOS 14 is rolled out early next year (2021). With iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and tvOS 14, the consumers will need to provide permission to track their data like the image below.

The users that opt out for the tracking can no longer be served personalized ad content via Facebook basis event tracking. Instead, Facebook will use Aggregated Event Measurement via pixels to help support user privacy and help deliver relevant content to these users.

How does that impact a Facebook Advertiser?

1) Reduced size of existing audience lists

Post the iOS 14 release and subsequent update by the Apple users early next year, the size of Custom Audience & Retargeting Audience may decrease due to users opting out from event tracking.

2) Only up to 8 events can be tracked

You will no longer be able to track and report performance for more than 8 events. In case you are tracking less than 8 events via Facebook Pixels, you will not be impacted. Examples of Facebook events: Link clicks, Content View, Add to cart, Initiate Checkout, Purchase, etc.

3) Delayed reporting

The reporting for website conversions will be done on the date & time of the conversion and not the date and time of the impression (when the person saw your ad).

4) Estimated Conversions

For the devices that opt-out of tracking, statistical modelling may be used to account for conversions.

Actions required by brands using Facebook Advertising

Please ensure your internal marketing team or agency/partner takes the following actions:

1) Verify your Website’s Domain from your Facebook Business Manager

2) In case you have more than 8 events, go to Facebook Events Manager and select the most relevant 8 that you want to track.

3) If you do not select, Facebook will pick the most relevant 8 events basis your past activity. All the campaigns & adsets with the events that are no longer active will be paused by Facebook.

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