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Google Organic Search Core Update Rollout December 2020

As you may be aware, Google has officially rolled out the December 2020 core update for Google Organic Search on 3rd December.

The update is rolling out right now, as you read this, and it usually takes about 1-2 weeks for it to completely roll out.

Source: Twitter

So what does it change? Quite simply put, the ranking of your website on Google Search.

The core update will change the way the websites are ranked by Google Search Engine. Some websites will rank higher while others will see a dip in their rank. It does not mean that the websites showing below are bad. It just means that the one that ranks higher now is more deserving basis Google’s algorithm.

How to ensure you rank higher?

Focus on content. The pages that see a dip in rank don’t have anything wrong which one should fix, but you can certainly increase the chances of ranking higher with better content. This is what the Google algorithm is trying to reward.

Some quick tips on improving website content:

1. Make the content meaningful to the end customer Provide Product descriptions, highlight the product’s USP, try to answer why a customer should buy this product, etc.

2. Produce good content Each word on the website is your marketing pitch and should be aligned closely with the brand image and values. Also check for spelling errors, plagiarism, sloppy terms, etc.

3. The uniqueness of the content Is it a unique production or just a copy of the 100 other pages on the website? Each product has its qualities and purpose and should be highlighted to appear relevant to the end customer.

4. Would you recommend the website/product to a friend after seeing the page The content on the page should be persuasive and impressive enough for people to spend more time on the page and share it with their friends and family.

How much time does it take for your site to recover if you are impacted? If you have updated the content on your website to the best suitable and most relevant to your end customers, you can see an impact in the next core update. The broad core updates usually happen every few months and can recover your website ranking if the content is improved.

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