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Free listing on Google Shopping Feed is Now Available in India

In April 2020 Google had announced free listing on google shopping feed only for the US Market and since then the whole world was waiting for the free listing to be rolled out worldwide. And there it is. Free Google shopping product listing is now available in India.

Google has rolled this out for 2 reasons 1. To help retailers cope up with the Covid-19 financial crisis

2. To make Google's position stronger against amazon Here is some more information on Free product listing on Google shopping feed.

What are Shopping ads?

Shopping ads display rich product information such as a product image, price, brand name, etc. These ads are created using data attributes from the product information submitted in Google,

Source: Google Search Engine

Merchant Center data feed and displayed to the user, who are searching for similar products.

Source: Google Search Engine

What is a free listing on Google Shopping?

Free product listings are nothing but product shopping ads that appear for free inside the Google Shopping tab. To take advantage of free listing we need to manually opt for it. The carousel that displays paid ads on the SERP, Youtube, and other shopping placements still holds a place for paid ads only.

Who can opt for Free listings?

Any eCommerce product brand can display free listing of products in google shopping feed. This feature allows merchants to upload products that appear in organic search across Google platforms.

How does free listing appear in Google shopping feed?

Free Google Shopping listings look similar to paid Shopping Ads. Both these Free listings and ads, displays same elements such as the product image, it’s title, price, and information like free shipping/ products rating (optional component) We enabled free listing for our brand LuvLap for the product convertible electric breast pumps and searched on google under the shopping tab. This keyword displayed both results paid and organic under in the same shopping tab for LuvLap Product! In the picture below you can see it being displayed in the shopping tab of google. The first row shows paid ads of Luvlap and below that organic search result for LuvLap Product.

Source: Google Search Engine

Go ahead start listing your products organically. Shoptimize's platform has a pre-integrated fully- automated feed creator with all the required product information and variations in the correct format for Google.

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