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Faster page load speed equals a higher conversion rate for your eCommerce store. See how Shoptimiz

A lot of effort, time, resources, and perseverance goes behind bringing visitors to your eCommerce store. Getting these visitors to convert is of utmost importance, and the page load speed plays a crucial role at this point.

A proactive D2C eCommerce platform is always mindful of your priorities as an eCommerce store. It partners with you to ensure that your store achieves the optimum conversion rate. Being one of India's leading eCommerce platforms, we at Shoptimize constantly work towards enhancing our technology to deliver the best-in-class service in an ever-changing environment. In our endeavour to help our clients (a host of eCommerce stores across genres) accomplish their business goals, we partnered with Fastly to enhance the page load speed and more.

Fastly is a company that aims to deliver the most delightful experiences on the web with its groundbreaking innovation. It has built an array of apps to deliver speed, security, and scale that impact the business performance directly.

For Shoptimize, Fastly came as the ideal growth-driven partner. They offered the one umbrella solution that worked for all our clients while keeping the expenses and other critical performance parameters in check.

Image optimization was one of the simplest and most critical aspects where Fastly supported us in offering an elevated experience to its clients. It had an enormous impact on the page load speed of the eCommerce stores built by the Shoptimize eCommerce platform.

What is image optimization?

It is the process of delivering high-quality images in the correct format, dimension, size, and resolution while limiting the size to the minimum.

Image optimization improves performance:

Images speak louder than words. They need to be beautiful, and they must be delivered at lightning-fast speed to ensure a pleasant user experience. The Image Optimization app by Fastly resizes, adjusts quality, crops, changes orientations, converts formats whenever the request for an image arises. It helps serve images faster and hence decreases page load times.

Adding Image Optimizer reduces costs too.

Optimization of images, which probably accounts for more than 50% of your page weight, eliminates the need for expensive image transformation applications and servers. It enables you to save one source image file and generate the optimal image on demand. This, again, reduces cost as the need for storage space is decreased.

When an online shopper visits your eCommerce store, images on your website are downloaded. Depending on the bandwidth, the images' size to be served is determined. So the bandwidth used (defined by the size of the images downloaded) decides the cost you incur. When several shoppers visit your online store, you need to pay in accordance. This comes in handy for eCommerce stores during off-seasons in keeping costs in check. Fastly IO, by decreasing the image size, reduces expenses.

The outcome of implementing image optimization.

Shoptimize invested in Fastly IO, and our eCommerce store clients and end-customers reaped the rewards.

  • There was seamless compression by about 50%.

  • The compression was lossless and offered excellent quality content.

  • There was a 25% improvement in the page load speed.

  • The page size was reduced by 22%.

  • It worked well for shoppers on Safari (compatibility beyond webp image format, and automated fallback)

  • It helped eCommerce stores reduce expenses on various traffic and bandwidth expenses.

  • It allowed the D2C eCommerce businesses to save on heavy upfront licensing costs.

Shoptimize has always associated itself with entities such as Fastly to stay ahead of the curve. We have consistently demonstrated persistence in pursuit of excellence to deliver the best experience to our clients and their customers.

If you are planning to set up an eCommerce store, choose your D2C eCommerce platform wisely. Empower yourself with the correct information to ask the most relevant questions to the partners in contention. Enquire in-depth, make a list of pros and cons, compare the promises being made, and then go for the one committed to raising the benchmark.

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