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Driving D2C growth with renewed energy!

Shoptimize is nearing its completion of 8 years since inception. In terms of start-up years, one would call us a dinosaur. It almost seems like a lifetime ago that I embarked on this journey. I was moving out of the first startup that I co-founded, which in itself was an emotionally draining experience. But the excitement of starting something new in a sector that would see phenomenal growth in the coming years gave me wings. We started with a simple vision of enabling eCommerce for brands in India, and thus began our rollercoaster ride.

Our first logo was a set of growing bags in multiple colours. We believed it conveyed the message of what we intended to achieve. The journey to that growth was full of twists and turns, better known as pivots. We tried our hands at different things during this time. We didn’t know what would work and what wouldn’t, so we experimented a lot.

When I look back, the logo, with its many colours, seems to represent all our myriad phases. But through this journey, we have come to understand what the market truly values and how we can be a pivotal force in the digital growth of brands.

The last six months have been tough for businesses everywhere. Many have had to throw their business models out of the window and come up with new ways of staying relevant. We have been fortunate in that we did not need such drastic measures. We have been focused on D2C growth from the very beginning and have been steadily building a platform which would ensure D2C growth for brands. The lockdown period has put our product development journey on an overdrive. It has made us ready for what lies ahead.

We have been fortunate to meet (often virtually) and bring in some really phenomenal people during these months. Sathya joins us on the marketing front and has been the force behind our image makeover.

Abhijit is leading from the front on the product side. Rahul is helping us ensure we don’t lose sight of what our customers and partners value the most. Ranjit is helping us scale support. There are several others who have joined us and are helping us up the game. I continue to be amazed by how our existing team has welcomed these folks and made them feel at home. All this, while we continue to be locked in our homes.

We have always had a strong sense of purpose. We now have a clearer picture of how to get there. And as we tread along this path, we wanted to change the way we presented ourselves. Our new logo carries the identity of our past. But with its flat and clean lines, it also represents our renewed clarity of thought and single-minded focus on growth. With a better understanding now of who our customers are and what they really need, our eCommerce and Growth platforms are far more succinct and streamlined. Our new website is intended to convey this new identity.

I hope you guys like what we have done and appreciate the thought behind it. Now it is up to us to deliver the exponential growth that is coming our way.

With a great sense of pride and confidence, I have just one thing to say…


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